How can a major transit provider transform the reliability and resilience of their operating network in an era of increasing disruptions?

The Challenge

Transport for London faced persistent issues with disruptions within their underground network. With over 7 million passenger journeys daily, even minor mishaps significantly hindered network reliability, posing risks to customer satisfaction and safety. Identifying weaknesses in operational practices, technology, and hierarchical coordination was crucial for enhancing resilience and minimizing disruptions.

The Approach 

We adopted a human-centred approach, using deep immersion via observations of control rooms during regular and disrupted conditions. Interviews with key personnel were supported with analysis of training materials, operational logs, and analytics. Through workshops and roundtables, current practices were closely examined, aligning the investigation with externally validated frameworks and best practice in reliability enhancement.

The Key Insight

Comprehensive analysis revealed outdated operating procedures and potential weaknesses that threatened the network's resilience. The assessment highlighted the need for improvements in contingency planning, technology interactions, and coordination across various levels of the organization.

The Outcomes


Comprehensive review of resilience and business continuity practices, resulting in actionable insights that enabled the client to fortify their reliability and enhance their disruption mitigation, incident response, and overall network safety. This met both the corporation's strategic priorities and the city's broader transport strategy.


Implementation of ongoing monitoring and continuous assessment, ensuring a continued focus on resilience enhancing practices, embedding a culture of safety and reliability within the organization.

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